Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fastest Ski On The Market

adventure hike Rambach

Spring is for botanists the most stressful time of year. Everything is blooming and green and the desk is the last place where you can watch. The blog therefore somewhat calm has descended.
But here is an interesting announcement: The
Umweltschuzgruppe Vinschgau experience organizing a hike to the top Rambach Vinschgau. With this biologists and local politicians from the Val Venosta and the Munster whose words on the future of Rambach of the audience will certainly set to weigh. A keen interest in this fantastic event for the protection of the stream is clearly helpful.
The whole thing takes place on 5 instead of June 2010, starting at 9:15 at the Calven bridge, but you can enter it later.
more information: make

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where Can You Buy Glisten


mid-May to the 50-page sample text to be ready, I have promised, and how it looks, I think, set the deadline.
like Why is it so much print, the text the first time? Probably because he is suddenly real and I can see the thickness of the paper, what I did.
Now I am here to transfer to the corrections into the computer (people who buy Scrivener, the money's worth). I am uncertain whether the Anfage not too fast, but I immediately wanted to go in the middle in the world and time of J.
happened the first 20 pages much the same time, the person introduced. I do not know if I need something equalize so that collapse is not too much information at once to the reader. But actually the pacing is right for my main character J.
But can the second chapter, written from the perspective of the second main character, leisurely. Fits, because R is more passive than J. In fact, I like the different narrative speeds well and I use them will continue. Only I have to make sure that this will not schematically, otherwise it quickly becomes boring.

My biggest problem with the beginning is that I have so much information must be accommodated, but I do not want to bother with long explanations. The historical background, I must at least scribe because of the action directly affected. And then there are the mythical creatures, magic and special way to work. But J is it just surprised as the reader, so it may fit quite well.

It's great that I now know exactly how it goes. Until yesterday I had a gap between the beginning and the second part. Now I'm looking forward to Chapter 4

Yesterday I am also terribly annoyed: I had a fantastic title, but had Are finding that there is already a fantasy novel with that title. Although out of print, but there is probably nothing to be done.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mylanta With Bleeding Stool


I have researched on the Internet and read some historical works. I planned out my story. I developed the characters. And now I have thrown myself into the deep end and started to write.

Call it "Project J".
It is my first novel, which can be classified into the genre "Fantasy" - me "Great Literature" better, because my story is not in distant worlds, but in ours, even if in a bygone era. All Europe was then swept away by revolutions that had no one can predict. And my two heroes, a fifteen-year-old twins fall, into the middle.

The first 35 pages were pretty easy on the hand. And then suddenly nothing. I had my story, I knew what would happen, but I am not going further. Questions that seemed to have solved tapped me on the shoulder and wanted to be answered.

says Why not X who Y is real? Why is it that Y gets the plan from T in the hands? And why has the Z out of the thing, even though they actually know the outcome?

actually thought I had to be able to answer these questions in passing, but that simply was not. I had planned, WHAT happened, but not accurate enough, as it should have happened. The gears of my story were not precisely matched, there was a crash in the transmission.

What do you do best when you sit at a desk and never alone progresses? You talk to someone. After I had Eva fired by the agency with a desperate email, luckily my husband came home. Actually, I did not need a conversation partner, but someone to whom I could hindenken loud. It was enough that my husband "sounds plausible," now and then nodded and said. He also had a really good idea that solved a major problem (where Y knows what T has planned?). Thank you! That was his gift to our sixth wedding anniversary, we have remembered the first time (although I at first was not sure whether we have really gehiratet on 3 May), but only at the margins.

My problems were solved. Hurrah! And suddenly it went away. I got in the mood to go ahead and have this morning written a beautiful scene. Namely, the Y finds out who she really is. Tough stuff.

And with this I return to my manuscript.